Engineering Recruitment and Jobs

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Building the foundations for future success

Unmatched expertise for the advancement of Australia’s infrastructure and engineering operations.

Behind every modern marvel stands an engineer. Whether you operate in civil, mechanical, electrical, or another specialised engineering field, we seek candidates with up-to-date knowledge and a problem-solving mindset. As an employer or job seeker, you’ll know you’re in good hands when you partner with us.

Engineering outlook 2023-2024

The most in-demand Engineering roles.

From the National Skills Commission’s 2022 Skills Priority List, the Commission found strong national demand for a variety of Engineering jobs, especially:

  • Geotechnical Engineers;
  • Civil Engineers;
  • Mechanical Engineers;
  • Electronic Engineers, and;
  • Mechanical Engineers.

For each of these job types, there is strong demand nationally - every state reports being candidate-short for all of these roles, as well as many more engineering job types.

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Welders (above) and boilermakers (right) are just some of the roles we recruit for.

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